Thursday, May 24, 2012

Transporation's New Frontier

My family has long been in the transportation business in some form or another.  My dad began in the railroad carloading business in the late 1940's (where small shipments were loaded on to rail cars, a dying mode still competing with the burgeoning Less Than Truckload business).  From there he went on to working for various trucking companies in sales, then to managing a manufacturer's traffic and purchasing departments and finally starting his own consulting company, Jayanel Associates.  I took over the auditing and rate quoting services of that company in 1979, beginning Traffic Services of Cinti.

Further my maternal grandfather worked for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company and my wife's maternal grandfather worked for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.  In doing genealogy work for my family, I learned that my great-grandpa, also Joe Metz, an immigrant from Germany, was a "teamster" back when that was the actual job, driving a team of horses.  Another great-grandfather was a clerk for a railroad firm (not sure which one).

With all that history, my family has lived the arc of transportation advancements for over a century; from moving goods by horse & wagon, on to trains that trekked across the country, to the trucking business.  Last week, I visited my dad, now in his 80's, and told him about the latest in the movement of cargo - a private rocket cargo company which will carry goods from here on Earth up to the International Space Station.  I asked Dad if he'd ever thought he'd see such a thing and he replied, "Yes, in my Buck Rogers comic books!"  But the future has arrived and a California company called SpaceX launched the first private rocket into space.  It still needs to run through various tests before it may dock with the space station, but so far so good.  It's an interesting day and the freight bill auditor in me would like to audit that freight bill!

On a more down to earth matter - check with us for your freight bill auditing needs.  We specialize in reviewing your bills after they've been paid (whether by your personnel or by an outside audit & payment service).  We continue to find mistakes routinely occurring on carriers' freight bills and they're often overlooked.  We bring that overpaid money to you. 

Contact us today to see how you can begin saving too.