For some time I have contemplated starting a blog to highlight some of the work I do as a Transportation Consultant and as a Freight Bill Auditor. I started my firm in 1979 after working some years for a company my father founded. I took over the auditing and consulting side of Dad's business and he continued working directly with trucking companies.
So who needs freight bill auditing? Anyone who ships and receives freight and pays the bill will find our services valuable. The introductory line at the top of the blog remains true: Every time I think I've seen every way possible for a mistake to be made, I find another! These mistakes can made by either the carrier or the customer.
Some years ago, as the move to personal computers was underway, a carrier rep came in and gave me a rate diskette. He asked, "Won't this put you out of business?". I laughed and told him not as long as human beings are pressing the buttons!
I will update the blog periodically. I hope you enjoy my thoughts on this subject. Feel free to ask me any questions!
Many years ago, I read an article in a magazine about what was then the second oldest written document - a clay cuneiform tablet. Archaeologists determined it was a bill of lading - and it had a mistake on it! The livestock were added up incorrectly.
The moral of the story? Mistakes will always happen and we're here to help recover your money when they happen on your freight bills.
I will add posts as time goes by, not just on the adventures of freight bill auditing, but also some of my thoughts on controlling your freight costs too.
In the mean time, check out our website at
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