Friday, December 3, 2010

Year End "To Do" List - Have Your Freight Bills Audited!

As the year ends, businesses are making their year end "To Do" lists.  A primary one is to pull this year's files to place into storage.  This is the perfect time to begin what should be a routine throughout the year - have your freight bills reviewed again.  I noted in my earlier blog post that many companies assume they don't need an audit after their bills have been processed by a freight payment company.   The fact is, most of our post-audit work is following freight payment firms and we continue to find mistakes that are overlooked.

I'm surprised during this difficult economic period that more companies are not utilizing our services to bring cash back to them that they've already spent - and at no direct cost to them.  Our fee is on a contingency basis, a percentage of the collected refunds.  If we find nothing, there is no charge.  We can review bills back 180 days unless you have a longer time period stated in your agreements with your carriers. 

Once we've done our initial audit, we recommend that your freight bills be sent to us on a regular basis, generally quarterly.  We do have some clients though who have their freight payment companies send the paid bills to us directly.  Following our audit, we place them in storage boxes they've provided us.  When we return them to our clients, there's no need for their employees to do any further filing.

Visit our website today and learn more about how we can begin saving you money with our freight bill audit.  Our satisfied customers are happy they have utilized our services.  I believe you will be too.  Contact us now.

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